Current date/time is Fri Oct 11, 2024 11:58 am
I consider myself a pretty avid historian when it comes to baseball, but until I heard a song about this event, I had no idea that it ever happened.
In the hall of fame, there is a wall, nearly covered with a ball from each of the no hit games in the history of Major League Baseball. Between 1876 and 2010, there have been 268 of the suckers, which may sound like a lot, but when you consider we've got 30 Major League Baseball teams playing 162 games a season, that's 4860 chances a year, which understandably drops as you go further back in time, to less teams and less games in the...
For years I've thought of inventing an alternative to the Hall of Fame, entitled the Hall of Interest, because if Paris Hilton ever taught me anything, it's that being interesting is waaaaaaay better than being famous.
This summer, a roadtrip that took me to St. Louis ended up dumping me off in Cooperstown, NY, to check out the National Baseball Hall Of Fame for the first time. While it did a great job of telling me why baseball is a great sport, it didn't do much to tell me about the interesting side of it, and by golly, there have been some wildly interesting events and characters...
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